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Saturday 7 July 2012

Kingdom Hearts II Drive Forms

In Kingdom Hearts II, there are several Drive Forms that we can use in later game. The forms are Valor Form, Wisdom Form, Master Form, Final Form, Anti Form and Limit Form (Only in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix). The drive command is located in your Field menu, in the bottom slot. There is a requirement to change form, for example, if Goofy does not in the party, Valor Form will not appear in the menu. We also need to charge the Drive Gauge to change forms. We can  charge the Drive Gauge by attacking enemies, get attacked (need Damage Drive ability) and collecting Drive balls (drop by enemies when defeated). All forms except Wisdom Form and Limit Form will allow you to wield dual Keyblades. You cannot equip the same Keyblade in two different forms. Each forms must its own extra Keyblade.

Valor Form



Increase 1 EXP each time you attacked enemies with Valor Form

Menu Changes:

Form Ability:
High Jump

Mysterious Tower, after getting your new clothes

This form is based mainly on attack. It provides a significant increase to your attack power and a very minor increase to your magic power. The dual Keyblades allow you to do some speedy combos and a powerful combo finisher. This form is the easiest form to level up.

Wisdom Form



Increase 1 EXP each time you defeated Heartless with Wisdom Form

Menu Changes:
Attack change to Shot

Form Ability:
Air Slide

After beating Timeless River

This is a magic form. Your magic power will gain a significant increase at higher levels. However, if you are a fighter and not a magic user, this form is not your type. The shots are very weak although you can shot and move fast. This form is very hard to level up since you need to defeated Heartless in this form. But, you should level up this form since it has Air Slide which is very useful.

Master Form

Any 2 party members


Increase 1 EXP each time you collected small Drive ball (3 EXP if large Drive ball) with Master Form

Menu Changes:
None but all ground combos become air combos

Form Ability:
Air Dodge

Obtained from Mickey after your first visit to Space Paranoids

This form is attack and magic form. It provides slightly less attack power from Valor Form and slightly less magic power from Wisdom Form but both are a significant increase on your normal stats. While in this form, your combos will be longer and the combo finisher will be very devastating. This form ability, Air Dodge, is very useful. It reflects bullets and energy shots and provides a lot of needed range in your jumps.

Final Form

Any 2 party members


Increase 1 EXP each time you defeated Nobodies with Final Form

Menu changes:

Form Ability:

After fighting with Roxas in The World That Never Was, change to any form and you have a small chance to change into Final Form (after you change to Final Form, you can change into Final Form with your own afterward)

Both attack power and magic power are significant increase over all of other forms. This form, let you to glide over the ground like Wisdom Form and can glide in the air. This provide great evasions capabilities and can get you to the enemies faster. The Keyblades, are floating around you. When you attack, the move through the air. This also add some range to your attacks. The main combo is very devastating and affects both ground and air. However, the combo cannot be cancelled when it reaches the finisher and it will be lack of control. This form is very smooth and manoeuvrable and deals a lot of damages in both attack and magic.

Anti Form

All party members


This form does not level up

Menu changes:
Only Attack is selectable

Form Ability:

This form will randomly activated when you changed to the other forms except Final Form based on hidden Anti Point

While in this form, getting the Drive balls will decrease the Drive bar instead of increasing it. While in this form, Sora can move very fast. His jumps have long range and can reach enemies very quickly. His attack power has a massive drop, but this is made up for by the fact that he can pull of very long, fast combos and a decent combo finisher.

Limit Form (Only in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix)



Increase 1 EXP each time you perform Limit Attack with Limit Form

Menu Changes:
Magic change to Limit

Form Ability:
Dodge Roll

Obtained along with the Oathkeeper at Twilight Town

If you play Kingdom Hearts, you will know that this form represents the old Sora in Kingdom Hearts. This form is the only form that does not use any party members. This form also allow you to use all abilities from Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts Final Mix that did not appear in Kingdom Hearts II. There are 4 Limit Attacks while in this form namely Sonic Blade, Ars Arcanus, Strike Raid and Ragnarok. Sonic Blade is an attack which quickly dash up to 7 times with the Keyblade. Sora is invulnerable during the dashes. Ars Arcanus is an attack which perform a massive Keyblade combo upon the enemy. Strike Raid is an attack which throw the Keyblade up to 5 times. This command ends with Judgement, a critical attack. Ragnarok is an attack which is a short aerial combos and followed by some light laser bursts.

Finally, here a video which has all Drive Forms exhibition except Anti Form. Hope you enjoy it!!! ^_^

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